Dental care for your pet

Did you know a staggering 80% of pets over the age of three years old have dental disease that needs treating now?

Untreated and progressive periodontal disease can lead to systemic effects on other parts of their body, including the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, and lungs. It can also be very painful and affect your pet’s quality of life. To protect your pet’s overall health, prevention and early treatment are key.

Home care, as well as professional dental checkups at our veterinary practice, should form part of your pet’s overall preventative healthcare routine. At AllPets Vets, we can help you with both of these. Plus, we have invested heavily in the latest dental equipment and offer a full range of routine dental procedures.


Book a dental consultation


Signs of oral health problems in pets

Many pets won’t show when they’re in pain so it’s important to check their teeth and gums at home regularly.

  • Exceptionally bad breath
  • A build-up of plaque and tartar on the teeth
  • Red, swollen, bleeding gums
  • Broken or misaligned teeth
  • Holes in teeth – typically with cats
  • Overgrown teeth in rabbits
  • Change in appetite and difficulty eating
  • Your pet won’t let you examine in or around the mouth


Home care advice for your pet’s teeth & gums

At AllPetsvets in Prestatyn and Rhyl, we’re committed to the preservation of pet oral health. We educate our staff with a programme of continuous professional development, and our clients using tools like our free pet healthcare email newsletters.

You can also attend our dental care nursing clinic, where our experienced and friendly RVNs can show you how to clean and care for your pet’s teeth at home.

If you are concerned about any aspect of your pet’s oral health then why not book a free dental clinic examination with one of our trained nurses.


Annual scale & polish included with Freedom Care Plus+

Sign up to our Freedom Care Plus+ monthly subscription package and your pet can benefit from a dental scale & polish each year to help keep their teeth and gums healthy.

Learn more & sign up today


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