Work Experience & Students

We are happy to host work experience and vet students. Please complete the form below and a member of the team will be in touch to make further arrangements.

  • Students must be over 16 years old
  • Initial work experience placements are limited to one week
  • We do not offer accomodation
  • Students are expected to attend 9am to 5pm. Students are welcome to stay until the end of the day at 7pm.
  • Please wear sensible shoes and clothes, long hair must be tied back neatly, no excessive jangling jewellery and nails should be short. No loop earrings and facial piercings should be covered discretely with a plaster or a stud placed.
  • Bring a spare change of clothes
  • Please bring your own lunch, we have a fridge, microwave, and kettle.

Student Placement Request

Fields marked with an * are required

Placement Type *


Current Level of Education *


Work experience placements are limited to one week commencing on a Monday and ending on Friday. Vet students may request longer placements.




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